Andrew Wright Planning Specialism
Andrew Wright Planning is a small practice specialising in support to local planning authorities in their plan making.

Our critical friend support offers expert and extensive knowledge of the local plan system to help you ensure that your plan will stand up well to testing, and be effective in delivery.  It can help at any stage, from the inception of a new or review plan, through to the draft plan and submission.


The critical friend role brings a fresh pair of eyes to what you have done to date and have in mind, to identify potential risks and how they might be tackled.  All relevant aspects of plan preparation will be covered, including:


the duty to cooperate - will you be able to show genuine cooperation with others and determination to resolve differences, particularly in meeting housing needs?


the evidence base - is it complete and will it stand up to testing?


delivery and the 5-year supply - is the emerging plan readily deliverable, is the 5-year supply robust, and can the plan handle changing circumstances?


methodologies - are methodologies for matters such as Green Belt assessment and site allocation soundly based and consistently applied?


national policy - is the emerging plan consistent with the NPPF and national guidance, and does it effectively address the changes proposed in the Housing White Paper?


At the conclusion of a commission we supply a full report of the conclusions and the advice given, with recommendations which will be practical to apply.


In addition to critical friend support we specialise in advising on methodology for Green Belt assessment.

Andrew Wright Planning Limited

Ronaldsway House




CV13 6NG

Andrew Wright BSc DipTP MRTPI

Telephone: 01827 880812

Mobile: 07773 386281

Fax: 01827 881275

Andrew Wright Planning is a trading name of Andrew Wright Planning Ltd

Registered in England and Wales No. 6000796

Registered Office: Ronaldsway House, Bilstone, Nuneaton, Warks CV13 6NG

 © Andrew Wright Planning Limited 2018

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Andrew Wright Planning Specialism
Andrew Wright Planning is a small practice specialising in support to local planning authorities in their plan making.
Andrew Wright Planning Specialism
Andrew Wright Planning is a small practice specialising in support to local planning authorities in their plan making.
Andrew Wright Planning
Andrew Wright Planning is a small practice specialising in support to local planning authorities in their plan making.
Andrew Wright Planning
Andrew Wright Planning is a small practice specialising in support to local planning authorities in their plan making.
Andrew Wright Planning
Andrew Wright Planning is a small practice specialising in support to local planning authorities in their plan making.